What kind of research do I do? Here is an attempt to explain it in plain language, without any equations, written originally for a friend and for my parents, who, although they are not in science or engineering, have a more scientific approach to life than many scientists and engineers I know. In fact, my earliest memories of my childhood are of my mother fulminating against obscurantism and mumbo jumbo and willing to make all kinds of concessions and sacrifices: "Anything in the interests of science" is what she would say, and still does, if any one of us asked her to do some chore for us, so that we could continue reading or pursuing some other less tangible intellectual activity (such as sleeping!). And a little later into my childhood, my father gave me all the popular science and mathematics books he could afford to buy (W. W. Sawyer, Courant and Robbins, Ian Stewart, George Gamow, Asimov, Feynman). So that's my background and now here is my effort at explaining what I do. After my Ph.D. (in large flexible space structures, which I decided to abandon), in my first decade in Brazil, I worked mainly on two kinds of problems. One, related to computation, or more accurately, parallel computation, very simply expressed, is this. Given a very large calculation (typically coming from an engineering application, such as a bridge or other large structure), how do you solve it faster by subdividing it into smaller problems that can each be solved, separately, on several computers/processors that communicate with each other? This is a very nice and very relevant problem, since, nowadays, parallel computers (or clusters of several PCs) are widely available. Also, it has both practical and theoretical aspects. I was looking more at the theoretical aspects. Specifically, at the problem of not synchronizing communication between the processors (in order that they do not always stop to let the slowest one catch up, before exchanging information) and still ensuring that the parallel asynchronous computation gets the right answer. A colleague (Eugenius) and I gave an alternative solution to this problem, using an idea based on a distance measure (norm) called a Liapunov function. You get a condition (on a matrix) that is easy to test and ensures that, under some mild conditions, even if you do not synchronize your calculations, you can still get the right answer. The other problem we studied was the stability of certain kinds of nonlinear dynamical systems. The same colleague (Eugenius) and I gave a stability condition for these type of systems (using a very simple idea -- also a particular kind of Liapunov function), and showed that many kinds of systems, ranging from simple mechanical systems, interconnected power systems, ecological systems, circuits etc. etc. can be analyzed for stability using this simple idea. This led to a book that we wrote entitled "Matrix Diagonal Stability in Systems and Computation" that studies these kinds of things. For the last five years, I have been also studying two problems (mainly). One is the control of ecological systems, such as systems which have a prey (which has a growth rate and corresponding differential equation to describe this growth) and a predator (which has a death rate and corresponding differential equation). In the absence of prey to feed on, the predator dies off. In the absence of predators that feed on them, prey may grow uncontrollably. With both present, you can get all sorts of interesting dynamics, such as limit cycle oscillation and so on. The control problem is how to remove prey/predator from this interacting predator-prey system (this removal is called hunting, fishing, harvesting or injection, depending on what model you are studying) without driving either prey or predator population to extinction. Some colleagues and I gave a mathematical solution to this problem for a well-known predator-prey model called the Lotka-Volterra model, and now one of my PhD students has extended this approach to many other models in the field called mathematical ecology. In fact, models of the human immune systems are also similar (prey = cells, predators = viruses (for example), control = drug injection) and perhaps we will go on to study a little bit of virus dynamics. The other problem is more theoretical. It involves studying iterative numerical methods as control systems. Usually, a numerical method gives an approximate solution. This generates an error and the goal of the numerical method is to drive this error to zero, in which case you say that the method has converged. From the point of view of a control engineer, you are trying to make the output (approximate solution) track some reference variable and drive a (tracking) error to zero. The point is that although control theorists know and have researched many standard ways of formulating and solving such problems, this is not common knowledge amongst numerical analysts who design iterative algorithms. We (perennial coauthor Eugenius and I) have just put a whole lot of very diverse numerical methods in this control perspective and, in some cases, even proposed new algorithms, or achieved new understanding of classical algorithms. The results are in a book called "Control Perspectives on Numerical Algorithms and Matrix Problems" that will be published by SIAM (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) in March 2006.